Schtroumpf: the legends tells us that the name was invented by Peyo, the father of those blue gnomish creatures as he couldn't find the appropriate word to ask the salt at a dinner table... ("passe-moi le... euh... schtroumpf...")
Anyway, 50 years after their first appearance in "La flûte à six schtroumpfs" an adventure of Johan et Pirlouït (another serie by the same author), the Smurfs, and their utopian communist society (yes, the sig smurf is Karl Marx) their are still immensely popular by small (and bigger ;-) kids... (even a full 3d film is programmed for the years to come, let's hope it respects the spirit of the serie and that it will not be too commercialized)
So to celebrate their 50th anniversary there is a cool exhibit in the Comics strip museum till the 16th of november... (and it's also the ooportunity to visit this wonderful Art Nouveau buildin)
And I cannot resist to offer you a picture of an iconoclastic collector's relic: the second issue of "Belge, européen et vulgaire" the magazine of the anarchist Jan Bucquoy (yes, him again!) wich speaks (among other interesting themes) of the sexual life of the smurfs!
all the infos:
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